How to replace Pool Sand Filter Spider Gasket

Author: Julie Rule  Date Posted:25 July 2023 

Important Note: Always follow the manufacturer's instructions specific to your pool sand filter model when performing any repair or replacement tasks. These instructions are intended as a general guide and may not apply to every model or situation.

Materials Needed:

- New spider gasket (make sure it matches the specific model of your sand filter)

- Screwdriver (Phillips or flat-head, depending on your filter's screw type)

- Lubricant (pool silicone or O-ring lubricant)

- Clean cloth or sponge

- Water source (garden hose or bucket)


Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Safety First: Before starting any pool maintenance or repair task, always turn off the pool pump and disconnect the power supply to ensure safety.

2. Remove the Valve Cover: Depending on your sand filter model, the valve cover might be secured with screws or clamps. Use the appropriate screwdriver or tool to remove the cover and set it aside in a safe place.

3. Underneath the valve cover, you will see the spider gasket. It is a circular rubber or neoprene piece with multiple arms or spokes. Carefully lift it out of the housing and inspect it for damage or wear.

4. Clean the Housing: Use a cleAccess the Spider Gasket:an cloth or sponge to wipe away any dirt, debris, or sand particles from the housing. Make sure it is completely clean and smooth before proceeding to the next step.

5. Prepare the Replacement Gasket: Take the new spider gasket and inspect it for any defects or damage. Apply a thin layer of lubricant on both sides of the gasket to ease installation and ensure a good seal.

6. Install the New Gasket: Place the new gasket into the housing, aligning the spokes of the gasket with the grooves or slots in the filter housing. Press it firmly to ensure a snug fit.

7. Reassemble the Valve Cover: Gently place the valve cover back on top of the gasket housing. If your model uses screws, carefully screw them back in place. If it uses clamps, secure them tightly to avoid any leaks.

8. Test for Leaks: Once the valve cover is securely in place, turn on the pool pump and check for any water leaks around the spider gasket area. If you notice any leaks, turn off the pump and make adjustments as necessary.

9. Maintain Regular Maintenance: As part of routine pool maintenance, periodically inspect the spider gasket for any signs of wear or damage. Should it become worn out or develop leaks again, repeat the replacement process as needed.